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oPools Oligo Pools

Use oPools Oligo Pools for accurate, reliable, and affordable CRISPR libraries; primer pools for multiplex PCR; data storage; or gene construction. These pools of custom single-stranded DNA sequences offer high fidelity, uniformity, low error rates, and low dropout rates. This means that you can avoid amplification bias, varying concentrations, or high error rates that are often encountered when using pooled oligos from other suppliers.

Get started immediately: fast delivery and no amplification required
Reduce experimental variability with more complete coverage
Leverage your budget to screen more targets




IDT termékek szállítási költségei 2024-től:

A szintézis helyétől, valamint a szállítási körülményektől függően az alábbi költségek kerülnek felszámításra:

  • Belgiumból: nettó 6 900 Ft

    USA-ból: nettó 34 000 Ft

    Belgiumból, szárazjégen: nettó 37 000 Ft

    USA-ból, szárazjégen: nettó 45 000 Ft

  • Oldatok szállítási költsége: mennyiség és súly függvénye, kérjen ajánlatot a Bio-Science Kft.-től!

Általános tájékoztató az IDT USA gyártási központjából érkező „custom” termékcsoportokról:

szintetikus biológiai termékek:

  • Gének
  • gBlocks, eBlocks
  • Ultramerek
  • RNS-oligók
  • CRISPR guide RNS-ek
  • oPools

qPCR próbák:

a szintézis helye a szekvencia komplexitásától, valamint a választott festék/ quencher kombinációtól függ


  • PAGE tisztított termékek

stock termékek:

nem áll teljes lista rendelkezésre, kérjen ajánlatot a Bio-Science Kft.-től!

oPools Oligo Pools are pooled, high-fidelity single-stranded DNA sequences that are compatible with a variety of applications.

Proprietary DNA synthesis equipment permits rapid, high quality synthesis of nucleic acids. This platform is the same proprietary synthesis platform used to make IDT Ultramers. It uses an "extra rich" synthesis cycle for long oligos. Along with this refined synthesis cycle, oPools DNA oligos use a unique solid support specifically optimized to synthesize high-quality oligos up to 350 bases in length. Overall, these improvements to our already established manufacturing methods allow you to acquire longer, purer oligos for your research.


Standard processing
Length 40–350 bases/oligo
Scale (number of oligos)
1 pmol/oligo (100 to 20,000 oligos/pool)
10 pmol/oligo (10 to 2000 oligos/pool)
50 pmol/oligo (2 to 384 oligos/pool)
Randomized bases
(also known as mixed or wobble bases)
N = A, C, G, and T
K = G and T
• Limited to 3 randomized bases per oligo
• Handmixed only
Modifications  5′ Phosphorylation
QC and quantification None
Shipping container 2 mL tube

Shipping and storage

  • Shipped dry
  • Turnaround time: 4–7 business days from order to delivery
  • Short-term storage, up to 6 weeks: room temperature (15 to 25°C) or 4°C
  • Long-term storage, up to 24 months: –20°C


Proprietary DNA synthesis equipment permits rapid, high quality synthesis of nucleic acids.

Figure 1 illustrates how our high coupling efficiency results in the exceptional quality of oPools oligo pools.

High coupling efficiency means increased levels of full-length oligos
Figure 1. Amount of full-length product received is determined by coupling efficiency. oPool DNA oligos are manufactured using the same proprietary synthesis platform as Ultramer oligos (IDT) and offer higher coupling efficiencies than our standard DNA oligos and industry standards. As seen in the graph, coupling efficiency becomes increasingly important as oligo length increases.

Proprietary DNA synthesis equipment produces an even oligo yield distribution.

Figure 2 illustrates the yield uniformity of oPools oligo pools.

Uniform yield distribution of oPools oligos
Figure 2. Proprietary DNA synthesis results in an even yield distribution of oPools oligos. This even yield distribution is shown here as a function of % difference from the mean. The standard deviation observed across ½ million sequences is less than 23% of the mean, demonstrating a high level of uniform sequence representation.

Proprietary DNA synthesis equipment results in exceptionally high sequence representation.

The high sequence representation is explained by very low dropout rates during synthesis. This is illustrated in Figure 3.

Low dropout rates mean better representation of oligos in the pool
Figure 3. oPools oligo pools demonstrate exceptionally low dropout rates. Dropout rate refers to the likelihood that any individual sequence is not present in the final pool. This rate can vary by length and sequence complexity. The average dropout rate for oPools oligos across all length ranges was observed to be under 1% based on a sample size of over 900,000 oligos. Dropout rates are plotted by length range.


For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, IDT does not intend for these products to be used in clinical applications and does not warrant their fitness or suitability for any clinical diagnostic use. Purchaser is solely responsible for all decisions regarding the use of these products and any associated regulatory or legal obligations.

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